Memo Project Self-Reflection

The memo project I completed was about escalators and how we can better them at City College of New York. In terms of genre, my essay was a scientific based proposal about the upgradability of components inside of the escalators that thousands of people use on a daily basis. My essay focused on the use of electricity that the escalators consume and the cost that we pay every time one of the machines break down.

What motivated me to complete this assignment with the topic of the escalators at CCNY was the large amount of money that the school uses to repair the escalators. I am personally a very firm believer in quality over quantity and you get what you pay for. For this reason, I wrote about my belief that CCNY should invest in a higher quality replacement part that will cost more upfront but will last much longer under more stressful situations.

My goal for writing this memo was to inform the reader of the large amounts of money that the college spends on repairing the escalators on a regular basis. I believe with a third re-write of this memo I would have been able to get my argument across in a much timelier fashion due to there being some small nuances that were unnecessary such as the explanation of intricate parts inside of the working machine.

The intended audience for this memo was the president of the college due to the fact that he/she has the jurisdiction to hold meetings and change financial planning. The reason why this memo was necessary for the president or his/her secretary to read was because of the loss of money due to older components in the escalators. Not only are we spending money on repairs but we are also spending more money than needed on electricity due to a less efficient motor.

The relationship that I have in this field is that I am studying to become a mechanical engineer. My mind is always thinking of ways to better the community and to make machines run more efficiently. This problem intrigued me because with the changing of internal components, the university would be able to save money on electricity bills and repair costs.

This assignment has helped me understand the course learning outcomes by teaching me how to write a proper memo. This is very important for my intended major due to the creation of proposals and papers that will have intended purpose of persuading a boss or manager into allowing myself or my team to complete or begin a project that requires funding.